How to think about and use components in React, whether they are simple or complex


1 min read

Components in React

Everything is component in react like small button to entire website.

Type of Components in react :

Functional Components:These are simple JavaScript functions that return JSX (a syntax that looks like HTML). They are used for components that only need to render data and do not manage state.

Class Components: These are more complex and can manage their own state and lifecycle methods. They are used when you need more control over the component behavior.

Start with a Plan :

  • Before coding, sketch out your website. Identify reusable elements like buttons, forms, headers, etc. These will be your components.

  • Think about the data each component needs and whether it will need to manage state or just display data (stateful vs. stateless)

Build Simple Components First :

  • Start by creating small, stateless components. For example, a Button component might just need props for its text and onClick behavior.

  • Use props to pass data and event handlers to these small components.

Combine into large Components :

  • Combine smaller components to form larger components. For example, a Form component might include several Input components and a Button component.

  • Think about the data flow: which components need to share data? This will guide you on where to manage state.